Making money today can be done by internet. Internet is an invention that makes the businessman happy. By internet, they are able making money online. This means that making money becomes easier than the past, because by just cooperate with others in virtual network, money come by its own self and the businessman don’t have to get hard work.
Making Money Online by Online Shop
One of much business that spread around virtually is the online shop. Yeah, online shop is of the best ways in making money online. Just make a website as your shop, manage it, and the customers will come shopping. Because of this easiness, many online shops grow everyday in every country. That’s why the online shop needs something to attract the customers. Advertisement is the best way to do it. By cooperate with search engine, advertising virtually is easy because of ad services.
But in advertising the online shops need paid high. The online shop which paid high; its advertisement will always available in search engine’s page. This means that much money is really needed. Without much money, the online shop maybe gets dropped so they can’t be known by the costumers. This is the one of many examples about network of making money online. The one who really get much money is actually the search engine. Yeah, this is how the money takes over the virtual world.
Making Money Online by Blogging
Actually this way is almost similar with the former way. The difference is blogging usually giving useful information to the readers, and the online shop is selling something. Hmm, is it really important to know information by online?
Yes, it is. The fact is today people love to browse just to know silly information. They even spend more than 1-2 hours just to read facts which actually the truth is hesitated. But this is really give advantages to the blogger. By posting information—which they even not write it by their self—on their blog, people will click the blog site and the blogger will receive money from the clicks.
This Video from Guy Kawasaki with teach You about make money or Pursuit Your Passion and the end create money:
Is it something wrong? Of course it is not. Making money online is one of many ways to making money, so it is something legal. A note to the blogger that it is better to posting useful information which can be read easily and comfortably than just posting something same like other blogs’ post, even just copying it. Good information will be very useful to the readers.